Blue Line

Features Podcast
Blue Line, The Podcast: Jim Bremner, Canadian Tactical Officers Association

February 12, 2020  By Staff

For this episode of Blue Line, The Podcast, we sit down with Jim Bremner, the president and founding member of the Canadian Tactical Officers Association, or CTOA, who is freshly returned from the Shot Show in Las Vegas. We chat about shields, Blue Line Expo coming up on April 21, and even dogs, among other tactical tidbits, so grab those headphones.

Bremner was a SWAT team leader and has over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement. He is qualified as a sniper, weapons technician, tactical trainer and use of force and firearms instructor. He also has more than 30 years of extensive martial arts and unarmed combat experience in Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Washu Kung Fu and Israeli Krav Maga, and is certified by Israeli Special Forces instructors.

Bremner explains one of CTOA’s mission statements in this exclusive, one-on-one conversation: to download the tactical skillsets of weapons handling, strategies, etc. to the frontline patrol officer.

“Now more than ever, the frontline patrol officer is first on scene at some very critical incidents,” he tells Blue Line’s editor. “In reality, we’re the last to arrive. So, CTOA and our information is not just for SWAT team members; it’s for everybody in law enforcement.”

He also shares the value in going “back to basics,” and his advice for today’s tactical teams, as well as his thoughts from his time on the set of the TV series Flashpoint.

Listen to the SoundCloud link below for the full conversation or wherever you get your podcasts under Annex Business Media: Podcasts.

You can also stream the show at or on our own playlist:

Did you miss our January 2020 episode with Stephen Metelsky, organized crime specialist? Listen HERE.

This episode is brought to you by Patriot One Technologies. This company’s mission is to deliver innovative threat detection and counter-terrorism solutions for safer communities. Patriot One’s PATSCAN™ Multi-Sensor Covert Threat Detection Platform identifies and reports weapons and threats wherever required; from car park to building approach, from employee & public entryways to inside the facilities. Learn more at

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