Blue Line

Zero tolerance for repeat violent offenders requires increased funding for Alberta RCMP

September 12, 2023  By National Police Federation

Sep. 12, 2023, Edmonton, Alta. – On Sep. 11, Alberta Minister of Justice and Attorney General Mickey Amery, and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis announced measures to strengthen the province’s criminal justice system and better deal with repeat and violent offenders primarily focused on Edmonton and Calgary, which have experienced dramatic increases in crime over the past several years.

The National Police Federation (NPF) welcomes these initiatives against the backdrop of growing crime. This is such a significant topic of concern for the 3,500 Alberta members that, earlier this summer, the NPF released a report containing key recommendations to meaningfully address bail reform in Canada.

“Despite the government’s new steps to protect urban residents, yesterday’s announcement included no funding for rural Albertans living in communities served by the RCMP, or RCMP members who have repeatedly done more with less,” said Jeff McGowan, Director, Prairie Region, the National Police Federation. “That is why we have urgently asked for greater funding and resources,” he added.

So far, the government has earmarked millions for a police transition in Grande Prairie, additional sheriffs, and increases to the Edmonton and Calgary police services, but they have curiously neglected to provide similar support for less urban centres policed by Alberta’s RCMP Members.


“Criminals should not be welcome in Alberta, and this should include communities policed by the RCMP and all police services,” said Kevin Halwa, Director, Prairie Region, the National Police Federation. “All Albertans, including our members, deserve the same level of support and funding as Alberta’s largest cities.”

As the police service responsible for policing most of the geographical area of the province, and half of Alberta’s population, additional resources for more police officers and improved equipment are imperative to keeping all of Alberta’s communities safe.

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