Blue Line

RPS teams up with SGI in an effort to get impaired drivers off the road

March 4, 2024  By Regina Police Service

Mar. 1, 2024, Regina, Sask. – The Regina Police Service (RPS) has reminded their community that, if a police officer stops their vehicle and demands a breath sample to determine whether the driver consumed alcohol before driving, they need to take the test.

Under federal legislation, police have the right to demand a quick roadside breath test of any driver they legally stop, using an approved screening device. Reasonable suspicion is not required for the roadside test. The federal law – Criminal Code Section 320.27(2) – that gives police this right took effect in 2018, but police say many drivers they encounter still aren’t aware they’re required to comply with a demand for the breath test. That’s a problem because drivers potentially face serious penalties if they refuse to take the test.

“It is estimated that over 1,500 people are killed by impaired drivers in Canada each year,” said Sgt. Shannon Gordon of the Regina Police Service’s Traffic Unit. “Mandatory roadside alcohol screening is not targeted, but an effort to decrease these numbers and provide a safer driving experience for everyone on the road.”

In March, the Regina Police Service Traffic Safety Unit will conduct mandatory roadside alcohol screening on all drivers they stop. Drivers in other parts of the province may or may not be asked to take one of these tests at any given time.


“SGI wants to help drivers make good, informed choices that will keep all road users safe and keep them out of trouble,” said JP Cullen, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “We want to help make sure people are aware of the federal legislation that gives police the right to administer this test. The test itself only takes a few seconds, and if the driver doesn’t exceed the legal limits for alcohol, they will be quickly on their way.”

Impaired driving remains the leading cause of fatal collisions on Saskatchewan roads.

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