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Manitoba Government increases funding for municipalities for public safety across the province

July 17, 2023  By Government of Manitoba

July 17, 2023, Winnipeg, Man. – The Manitoba government is increasing funding for the public safety basket and Urban Policing Grant to support increasing municipal policing costs and better support the work of law enforcement across the province, Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced.

The Manitoba government is committing an additional $13.7 million, for a total of $55.8 million, to support increasing municipal policing costs, noting the increased costs are due to both rising rates of crime and inflationary pressures. The additional investment reflects a revised per capita calculation aligned with 2021 census data as well as an overall 28 per cent funding increase. In Winnipeg, public safety funding will increase to $24,216,320 from $18,919,000, an increase of $5,297,320.

“Police officers put their lives on the line every day to protect Manitobans, keep our communities safe and enforce the law,” said Goertzen. “They have our government’s unwavering support, and we are proud to have their back and give them the resources they need to carry out their critical work keeping us all safe.”

“Prior to the implementation of public safety basket funding, the Winnipeg Police Service worked closely with Manitoba Justice to increase the number of police officers to support shared priorities to address public safety issues. This increased funding will help us to sustain these positions in times of increased costs and crime,” said Chief Danny Smyth, Winnipeg Police Service. “We thank the Manitoba government for its support and recognition of the valued work of law enforcement.”

The policing portion of municipal operating basket funding was transferred to the Department of Justice in 2018-19 as the public safety basket, to allow for better alignment of provincial policy on expected outcomes and oversight of policing across the province. The public safety basket includes the Urban Policing Grant, which is provided to municipalities required by the Police Services Act to provide their own policing, as well as additional grants to the Brandon Police Service and the Winnipeg Police Service to directly support officer positions.

The minister noted the investment builds on other recent initiatives to support the police and address escalating rates of violent crime.

Budget 2023 committed $52 million for the Manitoba Violent Crime Strategy, the government’s comprehensive approach to create a safer environment for all Manitobans. Additional initiatives increased supports for front-line law enforcement officers through investments in technology, specialized training, enhanced police presence and support for more officers, added Goertzen.

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