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Guardians beyond the badge: The crucial role of familial support in law enforcement

May 6, 2024  By Richard O. Segovia

Photo: metamorworks / Adobe Stock

Law enforcement officers (LEOs) are often required to make split-second decisions in high-pressure situations, and the constant exposure to potential danger can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being. Suffice it to say that the nature of their work can lead to isolation and detachment from their community. Familial support is crucial in helping LEOs cope with these challenges.5 By having a solid support system at home, officers can find respite from the demands of their work and receive the understanding and empathy they need to process their experiences. Among their colleagues, they find a bond that goes beyond mere camaraderie – it’s a shared understanding, a support system that outsiders may struggle to grasp.12 Yet, amidst the chaos and unpredictability of their profession, they also cherish the grounding presence of their families. These loved ones offer a sense of normalcy and stability in a world often defined by its intensity. Research5 shows that family members can also be a source of strength and motivation for officers to continue fulfilling their duties with dedication and resilience.

Examining how family dynamics shape officers’ well-being and job satisfaction is essential to truly understand the profound impact of familial support on LEOs. By studying the nuances of these relationships, we gain invaluable insights into the unique challenges law enforcement families face and their critical role in bolstering officers’ resilience. For example, understanding these dynamics can show the complex interplay between their personal and professional spheres, possibly giving law enforcement leaders and support agents data on how they might tailor interventions and support mechanisms.8 By recognizing and addressing the specific needs of law enforcement families, agencies can promote a culture of inclusivity and support that strengthens the entire law enforcement community.

The role of family in officer well-being and resilience

One study20 further highlights the impact of familial support on LEOs. The study demonstrated that family cohesion and communication were positively associated with officers’ ability to cope with occupational stressors and maintain overall well-being. In addition to emotional support, family members also play a pivotal role in helping officers decompress and recharge outside of work.14 This is especially vital given the demanding and high-stress nature of law enforcement roles. Interestingly, another study11 determined that family involvement in leisure activities and shared experiences fosters a sense of normalcy and connection and contributes to one’s overall job satisfaction and fulfillment. Simply put, doing fun things during family time can help an officer feel normal and connected, making work more satisfying.

As an important note, familial support’s influence extends beyond the individual officer and can have broader implications for law enforcement agencies. For example, an academic study6 underscored the significance of family-inclusive policies and support networks in reducing absenteeism, turnover rates and occupational burnout among probation officers. These findings emphasize the multifaceted impact of familial support on LEOs and the need for comprehensive strategies that integrate family dynamics into the broader framework of officer well-being and professional effectiveness.

Impact of familial support on performance

Research on the impact of familial support on LEOs’ performance goes beyond the immediate effects and delves into the long-term implications of family dynamics. An empirical study15 examining the correlation between familial support and job performance revealed that officers who reported higher levels of family support demonstrated greater job satisfaction, lower disciplinary issues, and higher engagement and commitment to their roles. Moreover, the emotional resilience cultivated through familial support was linked to a decrease in the inclination towards harmful coping mechanisms such as substance abuse or other maladaptive behaviours. Familial support contributes to the overall well-being of officers and directly impacts their ability to perform effectively in their professional duties.

Agencies can shape policies and practices that prioritize the holistic well-being of officers and their families.

In addition to an officer’s individual benefits, familial support can translate into improved community relations and public trust.13 Law enforcement officers who feel supported and grounded in their family life are better equipped to engage with the community in a positive and empathetic manner, ultimately strengthening the bond between law enforcement and the society they serve. Law enforcement leaders might consider further exploration into the multifaceted nature of familial support and its far-reaching effects because doing some might provide valuable insights for creating comprehensive strategies that prioritize the well-being and performance of their workforce.

Challenges faced by law enforcement families

While familial support is important for the well-being and performance of LEOs, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges that law enforcement families often encounter. The nature of this work can lead to unique challenges within the family dynamic, including irregular work schedules, long hours, and the constant concern for the safety of their loved ones. Studies1, 9, 17 show these challenges can strain familial relationships and place additional emotional burdens on family members.

Dr. Viegas and Dr. Henriques21 investigated the specific challenges faced by law enforcement families, highlighting the impact of shift work on family dynamics and the difficulties in balancing work and home life. They concluded that among all the stressors a law enforcement officer experiences, shift work disrupts family routines and limits how much time officers can spend with their families more than any other real or perceived stressor. This disruption can lead to isolation and disconnection for the officers and their family members.

Another challenge is the exposure to traumatic incidents and the inherent risks associated with law enforcement work. These incidents and risks can result in heightened anxiety and stress for family members.4 The fear of potential harm to their loved ones can significantly impact the mental and emotional well-being of spouses, children and extended family members.

Navigating the complexities of law enforcement family life

Understanding law enforcement families’ challenges is critical in developing comprehensive support systems. A study2 investigated the unique stressors experienced by law enforcement families, which highlighted the increased risk of compassion fatigue, secondary trauma and heightened anxiety levels among spouses and children of LEOs. It showed the need for tailored interventions that address the specific needs of law enforcement families, providing them with the necessary resources and support to navigate the complexities of their circumstances.

The complexities of law enforcement family life underscore the importance of prioritizing familial support as an integral component of overall officer well-being and professional effectiveness. Understanding and addressing these complexities will enable the development of targeted strategies that support the individuals within law enforcement and strengthen the fabric of the law enforcement community.22 Examples of these targeted strategies include family counselling services, peer support networks for spouses and children, and flexible scheduling arrangements, which can all contribute to mitigating the impact of these challenges on law enforcement families.

Exploring the nuances of familial support within law enforcement will provide valuable insights for shaping policies and practices prioritizing the holistic well-being of officers and their families.22 By doing so, law enforcement agencies can cultivate a culture that not only values the dedication and sacrifice of officers but also recognizes and supports their families’ pivotal role in sustaining a resilient and effective law enforcement community.

Strategies for strengthening family support systems

Implementing strategies to strengthen family support systems is crucial, given the importance of familial support for LEOs.

  1. Work-life balance: Police departments can implement policies and practices that promote work-life balance for officers. Flexible scheduling options, such as compressed workweeks or alternative work arrangements, can allow officers to spend more time with their families and engage in activities that enhance their overall well-being.16
  2. Community support: Law enforcement agencies can collaborate with community organizations to provide resources and support for law enforcement families. Community programs such as counselling services, support groups and childcare assistance can help alleviate law enforcement families’ challenges and provide them with a robust support system.19
  3. Communication and relationship building: Law enforcement agencies can provide training programs on communication and relationship-building skills for officers and their families. These programs can help officers and their families develop effective communication strategies, strengthen relationships, and navigate the unique challenges they may face.7
  4. Mental health support: Law enforcement agencies must prioritize officers’ and their families’ mental health and well-being. Providing access to mental health resources, such as counselling or therapy services, can help officers and their families cope with the stressors associated with law enforcement work and ensure they have the necessary support to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.10
  5. Employee assistance programs: Law enforcement agencies should establish Employee Assistance Programs that offer confidential counselling and support services to officers and their families. These programs can address various personal and family issues, including relationship problems, substance abuse, financial difficulties, and stress management.3


Within law enforcement families, complexities extend beyond officers’ professional duties, deeply influencing their personal lives. Moreover, the nature of law enforcement work disrupts family dynamics and limits quality time together due to prolonged hours, shift work and perpetual job demands. Research findings highlight the unique stressors faced by law enforcement families, emphasizing compassion fatigue, secondary trauma and heightened anxiety levels among spouses and children. Tailored interventions are urgently needed to equip these families with the support and tools to navigate their circumstances effectively.

Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach, including family-focused support programs within law enforcement agencies. Providing counselling, peer support networks and flexible scheduling arrangements is crucial to mitigating the impact on officers and their loved ones, fostering a more supportive and resilient environment within the law enforcement community. Prioritizing familial support as an integral component of overall officer well-being and professional effectiveness is paramount. By understanding and addressing these complexities, agencies can shape policies and practices that prioritize the holistic well-being of officers and their families, cultivating a culture that values dedication and recognizes the pivotal role of families in sustaining a resilient and effective law enforcement community.


  1. Allison, P., Tiesman, H.M., Wong, I.S., Bernzweig, D., James, L., James, S.M., Navarro, K.M. and Patterson, P.D., 2022. Working hours, sleep, and fatigue in the public safety sector: A scoping review of the research. American journal of industrial medicine, 65(11), pp.878-897.
  2. Asberry, F., 2022. Factors Impacting Vicarious Traumatization in Metropolitan Law Enforcement Officers (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
  3. Black, A.T. and Peters, L.A., 2023. EAP and Wellness Programs for Law Enforcement: Do They Actually Serve and Protect?.
  4. Casas, J.B. and Benuto, L.T., 2022. Work-related traumatic stress spillover in first responder families: A systematic review of the literature. Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy, 14(2), p.209.
  5. Duxbury, L., Bardoel, A. and Halinski, M., 2021. ‘Bringing the Badge home’: exploring the relationship between role overload, work-family conflict, and stress in police officers. Policing and Society, 31(8), pp.997-1016.
  6. Ellis, A.J., 2020. Influence of Collectivistic and Individualistic Values on Probation Officers’ Retention (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
  7. Epperson, M.W., Sawh, L. and Sarantakos, S.P., 2020. Building a therapeutic relationship between probation officers and probationers with serious mental illnesses. CNS spectrums, 25(5), pp.723-733.
  8. Greenhill, N.J., 2023. Professionalism in the police service. In Modern policing (pp. 53-68). Routledge.
  9. Griffin, J.D. and Sun, I.Y., 2022. A Qualitative Study of the Impacts of Work-family Conflict on Police Officer Stress. In Exploring Contemporary Police Challenges (pp. 347-357). Routledge.
  10. Jetelina, K.K., Molsberry, R.J., Gonzalez, J.R., Beauchamp, A.M. and Hall, T., 2020. Prevalence of mental illness and mental health care use among police officers. JAMA network open, 3(10), pp.e2019658-e2019658.
  11. Martínez-Andrés, M., Bartolomé-Gutiérrez, R., Rodríguez-Martín, B., Pardo-Guijarro, M.J., Garrido-Miguel, M. and Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., 2020. Barriers and facilitators to leisure physical activity in children: a qualitative approach using the socio-ecological model. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(9), p.3033.
  12. Milliard, B., 2020. Utilization and impact of peer-support programs on police officers’ mental health. Frontiers in psychology, 11, p.562545.
  13. Mourtgos SM, Mayer RC, Wise RA, O’Rourke H. The overlooked perspective of police trust in the public: Measurement and effects on police job behaviors. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020 Jun;31(5):639-72.
  14. Newell, C.J., Ricciardelli, R., Czarnuch, S.M. and Martin, K., 2022. Police staff and mental health: barriers and recommendations for improving help-seeking. Police Practice and Research, 23(1), pp.111-124.
  15. Obrenovic, B., Jianguo, D. and Khan, M.A.S., 2020. Work-family conflict impact on psychological safety and psychological well-being: A job performance model. Frontiers in psychology, 11, p.506790.
  16. Poulose, S. and Dhal, M., 2020. Role of perceived work–life balance between work overload and career commitment. Journal of managerial psychology, 35(3), pp.169-183.
  17. Rojero, R.F., 2022. Work-Family Conflicts and Family-Work Conflicts among Police Professionals: Implications to Law Enforcement Services. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings, 11(4 (s)), pp.pp-640.
  18. Schantz, A.D., Coxe, S. and Bruk-Lee, V., 2021. From where does my support come? Unpacking the contribution of support for police. Policing: An International Journal, 44(2), pp.343-360.
  19. Syed, S., Ashwick, R., Schlosser, M., Jones, R., Rowe, S. and Billings, J., 2020. Global prevalence and risk factors for mental health problems in police personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and environmental medicine, 77(11), pp.737-747.
  20. Van Hasselt, V.B., Klimley, K.E., Geller, S. and Rodriguez, S., 2020. Behavioral health training for police officers: A prevention program. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 89, pp.1-8.
  21. Viegas, V. and Henriques, J., 2021. Job stress and work-family conflict as correlates of job satisfaction among police officials. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36(2), pp.227-235.
  22. Wood, J.D., Watson, A.C. and Barber, C., 2021. What can we expect of police in the face of deficient mental health systems? Qualitative insights from Chicago police officers. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), pp.28-42.

Dr. Richard O. Segovia served with law enforcement for over 29 years. He worked in several areas throughout his career, including patrol operations, investigations, training and other specialized assignments. He is a certified law enforcement instructor with robust instructional experience.

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