Blue Line

Seven tips for officers on how to deal with the fear of loneliness

June 1, 2023  By Stan Popovich

There are members of law enforcement who experience loneliness related to their stressful jobs. Some officers may feel alone because they have no one to talk to about their stressors and their anxieties, and they have trouble finding people they can relate to.

With this in mind, here are seven tips that an officer can use so that loneliness doesn’t become a major issue in their life.

1. Find an activity that you enjoy doing.Joining a group activity can be a great way to meet people. Doing something that you like to do will make you happy and the fact that you will be around different people will increase your chances of making friends.

2. Spend your time with a pet. Animals are a great source of companionship. If you don’t have your own pets, you could volunteer at your local animal shelter to help animals who are in need. Another option is to consider adopting a pet. Regardless, spending time with your favourite pet or animal will help you overcome your loneliness and other mental health challenges.

3. Help others.There are many people out there who could benefit from your time and talents, beyond those you help in your day-to-day duties as an officer. Helping others can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment and help you not to focus on your loneliness. You can also increase your chances of meeting others with similar interests.

You never know when an opportunity will come to you.

4. Find people who can relate to your situation.Many officers can join a local support group to help talk to others who can relate to your situation. There will be many counsellors who know of local mental health resources that people in law enforcement can take advantage of.

5. The important thing is to be active.Sitting around and doing nothing will not make things any better, whether it is dealing with the fear of being alone or something else. Take it one day at a time and try to make the effort of being active with others in your community.

6. Things can change.Nothing remains the same and events change all the time. Even if the thing that you feared does happen, there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage. You never know when an opportunity will come to you.

7. You’re not the only one who is alone.Remember that many officers deal with loneliness sometime in their life and career. Focus on your life and don’t compare yourself to others. Continue to seek out friendships with other people and don’t feel sorry for yourself. There are all kinds of people in various circumstances, so don’t assume that you are the only one who is alone.

Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear”. For more information about Stan’s book and to get free mental health advice, visit Stan’s website at

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