Blue Line

Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC is born — but automaker remains mum on self-driving police cruiser patent filing

Self-driving cars started putting along in the demonstration and testing zone in Stratford, Ont., last year, as interest in the technology ramped up, and now similar talk has turned to the wheels driven by law enforcement — especially as Ford just announced the creation of Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC.

July 30, 2018  By Staff

The website Motor 1 broke the story on Ford filing a patent for an autonomous police cruiser in January 2018.

The author of the post, Christopher Smith, discovered Ford’s plan while perusing through the company’s most recent patent applications. He writes the cruiser will require a complex A.I. system, which has yet to be developed, to operate on-board speed detection equipment, cameras, and communicate with other devices in the area such as stationary speed cameras.

“If that’s not enough, the application even specifically mentions the car being smart enough to find sneaky places to hide…” he continues.

Ford has yet to make a comment on this specific patent application, but the automaker did launch Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC, “a new organization charged with accelerating its AV business to capitalize on market opportunities,” just last week.

“At this time, we don’t have anything to share beyond the most recent announcement,” a Ford of Canada representative said in an email to Blue Line.

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