Blue Line

Cybercrime is going up across Canada and most cases remain unsolved

August 2, 2019  By Staff

“People are using the internet to commit crimes more than ever before, with women twice as likely than men to be targeted and with fraud accounting for half of all reported cybercrime cases across Canada,” reports the CBC.

Statistics Canada compiled data gathered from nearly every police force in the country and found there were 7,727 victims and 32,968 cases in 2018.

The crimes range from uttering threats to extortion and identity fraud. Women were listed as the victim in 68 per cent of all cases.

The CBC elaborates:

“Offences are flagged when information and communication technology, like a computer or cellphone, is the target of the crime or used to commit an offence, said Rebecca Kong, manager of the Policing Services Program at Statistics Canada.

She said violations can involve text message, social media or email exchanges.”

Find more from the original source here.

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