Blue Line

Chief Sydney Lecky welcomed in change of command ceremony

May 21, 2024  By Timmins Police Service

May 21, 2024, Timmins, Ont. – The Timmins Police Services Board has announced the official change of command ceremony welcoming Chief Sydney Lecky as its next chief of police for the Timmins Police Service, effective immediately.

Chief Lecky assumes the mantle of leadership with a wealth of experience garnered over 29 years in policing, including distinguished roles within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). His journey, marked by integrity and commitment, has seen him navigate complexities in various leadership capacities, fostering safety and security in communities across Canada.

In his most recent role as Chief Superintendent and Commanding Officer of the Northwest Territories RCMP, Lecky oversaw 23 detachments, exhibiting resilience and strategic understanding in the face of multifaceted challenges. His tenure as police chief in Kamloops, Terrace and Mackenzie, British Columbia, underscored his ability to lead teams through adversity, from combating organized crime conflicts to navigating the aftermath of natural disasters and the discovery of the Indian Residential School.

Lecky’s dedication to reconciliation and combating systemic racism within the justice system reflects his profound commitment to social justice.


As a member of the Peskotomuhkati First Nation, his perspective enriches the dialogue on inclusivity and equity within law enforcement. His academic pursuits, culminating in a bachelor’s degree in administration and economics from Brock University, coupled with a spectrum of training and certifications, attest to his comprehensive approach to leadership.

Kraymr Grenke, chair of the Timmins Police Services Board, lauded Lecky’s appointment, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Chief Sydney Lecky to the Timmins Police Service. His vast experience, coupled with his unwavering dedication to community policing, positions him as an exemplary leader poised to serve and protect the residents of Timmins.”

Reflecting on his appointment, Lecky expressed his gratitude and commitment, stating, “I am deeply honoured to assume the role of chief of police for the Timmins Police Service. I am committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency and accountability within the service, working hand in hand with our community partners to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.”

The Timmins Police Services Board also extended its appreciation to Interim Chief Denis Lavoie for his invaluable service during the transitional period. Lavoie’s steadfast leadership has been instrumental in guiding the service, and his contributions are deeply acknowledged.

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