Blue Line

Axon announces Auto-Transcribe

August 25, 2020  By Staff

Auto-Transcribe is Axon’s second AI-powered product to go to market. With today’s increased adoption of body-worn cameras (more than 250,000 Axon body cameras are in the field today), agencies are faced with two major challenges: reviewing massive amounts of video evidence to find the evidence that is pertinent to the investigation; and quickly and accurately transcribing video evidence so it can move through the justice system.

Historically, evidence has been reviewed as two separate streams – audio and video. With Axon Auto-Transcribe the audio and video is unified so it can be viewed together creating a clearer picture of what happened. The two tools available today within Axon Auto-Transcribe are:

  • Review Assistant which uses AI to create a time-synced auto-transcript for users to review versus hunting through an entire video to find the important moments;
  • Transcription Assistant which uses AI to generate an initial transcript so the user only has to focus on making corrections versus transcribing from scratch which can take four-to-10 times the length of the actual audio being transcribed. Instead of viewing video, audio and text as separate elements from an incident, Axon Auto-Transcribe unifies all of these elements into one hypermedia player enabling powerful connections and efficiencies for agencies.

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