Blue Line

Albuquerque Police Department enhances public safety with data-driven intelligence

December 29, 2022  By Blue Line Staff

Dec. 29, 2022, Montreal —Genetec Inc., a technology provider of security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, shared the experience of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). APD has chosen Genetec Security Center, Genetec Citigraf, and Genetec Clearance to aim to enhance public safety in the most populated city in New Mexico.

Albuquerque P.D. chose Genetec products to enhance public safety.

The open, scalable security centre platform worked to enable the city to combine all their video and public safety technologies into a single solution. They also brought the video management system and other security sensors from the Albuquerque International Sunport airport and are working to do the same with the city’s public schools. The solution consolidates all the information from these formerly isolated systems so they can be viewed from a single screen, expanding city-wide surveillance.

The Genetec Citigraf strategic decision support system was designed to give RTCC operators a unified, real-time look into emerging events, heightening situational awareness and delivering valuable data-driven intelligence to public safety teams. RTCC teams can also access historical video, information, and events to help strengthen investigations and keep department leads and decision-makers informed.

The Clearance digital evidence management system enables APD to save time when sharing evidence with investigators and officers. Operators can export video, events, and other incident data from Citigraf directly into Clearance, and give investigators access to the case files.


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