Blue Line

National Police Federation welcomes Surrey’s decision to retain Surrey RCMP

April 28, 2023  By National Police Federation

Apr. 28, 2023, Vancouver, B.C. – The National Police Federation responds to a decision on the future of policing in Surrey, B.C.

Earlier today, B.C. Solicitor General and Minister of Public Safety, Mike Farnworth, announced the Province’s recommendation that Surrey Mayor and Council proceed with a transition to the Surrey Police Service (SPS). This was quickly followed by Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke’s assertion that Surrey would retain the Surrey RCMP, moving closer to the conclusion of an over four-year-long period of uncertainty for our Members, who have provided exceptional service to Surrey residents during an unnecessarily stressful time.

“We fully support Mayor Brenda Locke’s confirmation that the City of Surrey will retain the Surrey RCMP, which is entirely consistent with the wishes of a majority of Surrey voters,” said Brian Sauvé, President and CEO, National Police Federation. “This has never been about public safety, but rather a political project started by a former Mayor run amok and now exacerbated by the Province, costing all B.C. residents millions of dollars,” he added.

While the National Police Federation appreciates the Province’s willingness to fund positions that previous governments had frozen and not funded – bringing the full RCMP strength to 10-year old levels – they look forward to working with them to grow the RCMP to ensure B.C.’s public safety needs are fully met by members.

Surrey’s RCMP Members have developed several national and international best practices in community policing and crime reduction, and have achieved reductions in Surrey’s Crime Severity Index – a leader nationally. Surrey residents – the majority of whom have supported retaining the RCMP in five rounds of research and who most recently chose a municipal government who ran on that commitment – will be heard and respected.

“We wish to thank all Surrey RCMP and Surrey Police Service Members for their continued professionalism, patience and commitment to public safety, as well as the residents of Surrey for their support throughout this extended process,” said Trevor Dinwoodie, Director, Pacific/North Region, National Police Federation.

As one of B.C.’s fastest growing communities, the City of Surrey’s needs – including policing – are continually evolving. The NPF looks forward to working with all levels of government to ensure the Surrey RCMP is resourced appropriately and that they have all the support available to them to continue to effectively serve Surrey residents’ public safety needs.

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