The Saskatchewan government is providing more than $532,000 to police agencies, community-based organizations and the Victims’ Fund for new policing tools and programming through the Civil Forfeiture Program.
More than $180,000 of this will be provided to Saskatchewan police forces. In accordance with legislation, a matching amount will be deposited from the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund into the Victims’ Fund. As well, more than $170,000 of this year’s funding will be distributed to community-based organizations.
“Our government is proud to provide this funding to police services and community-based organizations across our province,” Corrections and Policing Minister Christine Tell said. “This money will provide our police services and partners with new tools to support the important, ongoing work they do to help community safety and well-being across the province.”
The police and community program funding will be used to provide for the following:
- program supplies for the “F” Division Youth Advisory Committee (RCMP);
- an anti-gang initiative to provide education to youth about street gangs (Saskatoon Police Service);
- a cyanoacrylate fuming chamber to assist police with advanced fingerprint identification (Weyburn Police Service);
- a 3D laser scanner to improve crime scene analysis (Prince Albert Police Service);
- personal safety devices for victims of domestic violence (Parkland Victims Services);
- a domestic violence program to engage community and build accountability for family violence (Piwapan Women’s Centre and Lac La Ronge Domestic Violence Committee);
- a pilot project to develop a Sexual Assault Centre in Moose Jaw (Regina Sexual Assault Centre);
- a women’s wellness retreat for those who have survived trauma and victimization (La Loche Friendship Centre); and
- the development of a crystal meth awareness strategy (Moose Jaw Partners Against Violence).
“Saskatchewan police services continue to invest in community safety and well-being through partnerships, innovation and collaboration,” Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police Chief Richard Bourassa said. “This additional funding provides even greater opportunities for all of us to share in building safer, more harmonious, and more inclusive communities.”
As mentioned above, one of the initiatives funded this year includes a domestic violence program in La Ronge. The project was developed to support the region’s community alcohol management plan with representatives from Prosecutions, Legal Aid, Community Corrections, La Ronge Native Women/Piwapan Women’s Shelter, RCMP, Victim Services, Lac La Ronge Indian Band Health Services and the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
“The purpose of this initiative is to promote healthy family relationships and reduce interpersonal violence,” La Ronge Domestic Violence Committee member Karen Sanderson said.
Saskatchewan’s Civil Forfeiture Program, through The Seizure of Criminal Property Act, 2009, seeks the forfeiture of property that is considered to be proceeds or an instrument of unlawful activity. Forfeited funds are deposited in the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund.
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