Blue Line

Policing Security Network grows to nearly 100 members

The Policing Security Network (PSN) was recently established to help Canadian police services collaborate about threats and risks to police facilities and assets. It has now grown to include almost 100 members and is ready to welcome more.

February 11, 2019  By Staff

Left to right: OPP Sgt. Laura Meyers

The objective of the PSN is to act in an advisory capacity to members of senior command for their police services security planning.  
The PSN both meets and communicates through its member email list. Meetings have presentations and structured dialogue. PSN participants can inquire via email with all members about common and not-so-common security challenges and ask questions about polices, practices and security technologies. Inquiring participants assemble summary reports from all responses and share them back with the group so “commonality and standardization can be benchmarked,” according to PSN organizers.

Those who have a responsibility or an interest for their police organizations’ security program are welcome to join. Inquires can be made to Patrick Ogilvie, Security Bureau, OPP at or by calling 705-330-4161 (JOPIS/SAU).

RELATED STORY: “Q&A with the Policing Security Network, OPP


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